I am going to stick my neck out and make a few statements that some will call brash, others whom I love will disagree and some well meaning people will call me foolish.
1. Many, if not most, of American Christians today are consumed with material interests; beit work, pleasure, financial prosperity, and others. They are so consumed that they cannot see the war raging in our culture. And, frankly, they don't care unless it affects their comfort or cash.
2. Most American Christians, and Americans in general, are ignorant of their history.
3. Most American Christians, and Americans in general, are ignorant of news. Liberals get their pablum from the 'mainstream press'. And, Conservatives get their pablum from the 'new media'. If they, in either camp, say it then it must be so.
Case in point: The current presidential primary. One candidate in particular will serve as an example. Mike Huckabee. This man has been lambasted from both sides. He has been decried as a liberal by the 'conservative new media'. He has been derided as a theocrat from the liberal media. He is neither. He is a man who acts upon moral principles that stem not from the Constitution, but from Scripture. As wonderful as our Constitution is it is not an ultimate authority in morality.
His actions as the governor of the State of Arkansas are excised from context and pointed to as proof that he is a liberal by the likes of Rush, Hannity, Savage, Town Hall, and more. Seen in the context of the politics of that state it can be shown that he did more to act on conservative principles than seems possible. Remember two things: Governing a state is different that governing a nation. And, Arkansas has the most lop-sided Democratically controlled government in the nation. They know this. Yet, they refuse to give context to his actions. I know that I have no voice compared to those I cited above. But, someone has to say it.
I do know that ultimately politics are not the answer to this nations ills. The answer is a church militant with the Gospel; willing to forgo this crazy notion that all men are good. All men are bad, and as such they must either be controlled by the spirit of God within them or the sword. The Founding Fathers of this nation knew this and said as much. They also said that only Christian men of good moral character were suitable for public office. How far we have strayed from that ideal.
So, I am going on record: I support Mike Huckabee. He is not perfect. No candidate is. Some say voting for him is a 'wasted vote'. (If everyone I heard say that they would vote for him, but it would be a 'wasted vote' because he is not electable WOULD vote for him he would carry this state.)