Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Pastor Adrian Rogers Sees the King

This morning I received news that one of my childhood heroes had passed on to the Lord: Adrian Rogers. I was privileged to have met Pastor Rogers as a young man. He was a bold and courageous preacher. While we would differ on several key points of theology I have a great deal of respect for him. Her fearlessly preached justification in Christ's sacrifice. He boldly took a stand against the tide of evil sweeping across our nation. He was key in the resurgence of a belief in Biblical inerrancy, not only in the Southern Baptist Convention, but in many arenas of American Evangelicalism.

As a young child visiting my grandparents sometimes I would stay at home on Sunday mornings with my grandfather. We would watch the Bellevue Baptist service together on television. I would hear Pastor Rogers booming baritone voice. I would see his reverence for Scripture. I would feel through his preaching his intense love for Jesus Christ. In all of this I was pressed forward in my own life.

Thank you, Pastor Rogers. Thank you for your example. Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for loving our Lord.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday Musings

This morning I read he following on George Grant's blog:

"Think yourself dry, read yourself full, write yourself clear, and pray yourself hot." Alistair Begg

What a great admonition for us pastors on sermon preparation!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

In the Beginning (Structural Failure cont. Pt. 2)

No, this is not a post about origins; not in the cosmic sense. Rather, it pertains to the origins of the family. When we view the surrounding landscape of devastation after a storm we see varying degrees of failure in buildings. Some are scarcely damaged while others are demolished. There are many variables that can lead to such a scene. The common denominator is that of the engineering and construction of the structures.

Psalm 127:1 states: 'Unless the Lord builds the house they labour in vain who build it.' This is true in every arena of life. In this study we are focusing upon the family . The Lord must be the engineer and builder of the family if it is to stand. In our day of pragmatism we are apt to view the setting in which we find ourselves and then shape our approach to fit what we see. Nothing could be more dangerous! God, who does not change, has laid down a masterplan for the family and it alone can survive the stress of life.

In Genesis chapters one through three we see recorded for us the beginnings. The beginnings of all we know are found here. Some see this as a Hebrew allegory. This cannot be true or God himself would be a liar. In the recitation of creation we find that God created man, Adam, then he created woman, Eve, as a suitable helper for Adam. Adam is then recorded to have said, ' This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Genesis 2:23. God then records the following statement: 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.' Jesus Christ, thousands of years later quotes this verse adding, ' What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.'

In this we see several vital points pertaining to the foundation of the family structure:

1. It is part of God's created order.
2. Man is to be the leader (head) within the home.
3. Woman is fashioned to be the helper especially suited to the man.
4. The basic building block of the home is one man and one woman joined for life.
5. God sees the union of the man and the woman as a permanent joining.
6. Within their earthly relationships the marriage relationship is to take top priority.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Structural Failure

A little over one month ago one of the most destructive hurricanes to ever strike the United States roared into the Central Gulf coast. In our city of Mobile, Alabama we saw hours of hurricane force winds.  Low lying areas where flooded severely, trees were blown down, houses were damaged or destroyed, and for days there was no electrical power. All of this even though we are over 100 miles from the eye strike area. Between here and there is a surreal landscape. In what used to be some of the most strikingly beautiful scenes our area has to offer it is now a scene of destruction and grief. Where strong, historic antebellum houses once stood watch over placid seas debris and rubble are all that exist. Where strongly built, multistoried buildings still stand they are being demolished due to structural failure.

Structural failure also exists in the church.   It has not been a severe storm suddenly devastating us; it has been a slow eroding - more termites than hurricane.  Grieving Christians stand amid the rubble of their lives wondering how it happened.  Others are living in danger, unaware that the foundation and structure of their lives are being eroded.

'Unless the Lord builds the house they labour in vain who build it.' - Psalm 127:1a