Knights. Their legacy filled the mind of many a lad. The history and legends of King Arthur, St. George, the Black Knight, and others fill scores of books. When I was a youngster they were some of the most worn books on the shelf of the classroom library and the general library. Recently, I was at the library and noticed that many of these same books, and others dealing with knights and chivalry, appeared to be almost new. They were on the rack of books to be sold. I picked up a copy of
The Once and Future King, and noted that it had only been checked out twice in the last twelve years. The librarian told me that books on knights are just not popular any longer and they need the shelf space for other materials.
This anecdote is telling. Our culture is losing its last vestiges of masculinity. In masculinity's twilight boys are not drawn to the brawny-gentle heroes of the past. No, they now relish the conquests of barbaric heroes. This is evidenced in the popularity of many of the video games, movies, and other entertainment of popular culture. Masculinity has been redefined as brutality.
What would chivalry look like today? We'll explore that next time.
I am waiting.......with anticipation......
I also loved the stories about knights - and movies too. Remember Ivanhoe?
Lawrence, I noticed your comment on my blog, which led me to view your profile. I rejoice that we share a love of Reformed theology (with a few variations)and a love for Bluegrass music. And then there is knighthood, chivalry, the War Between the States, Spurgeon, and so on. Thank God for the internet.
Ben House
Ben, we need to have an e-cup of coffee. We have more incommon than you know. I'm an expat Arkansawer!
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