Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hmm, My Technological Prowess Strikes Again!

No, I really do know how to count. I realize that there is not a number three in the posts regarding chivalry. Somehow last night my little MacBook and Blogger didn't communicate clearly and I posted number IV about sixteen times with one push of the button. In trying to straighten it out I inadvertently deleted number III. It was a real humdinger, too. If you missed it you can pick it up at your local newsstand. Every paper in the nation carries my syndication. I wish. . .

You know that wonderful phrase of computer techs? PICNIC. I think sometimes I regress to that level.



Thursday, September 28, 2006

Knights and Modern Chivalry III

'All Scripture is inspired and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction and for training in righteousness.'

'Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not be ashamed.'

These two scriptures from Paul's pen may not appear to be tied to chivalry. But, they lie at its core. As the system of knighthood developed in days of yore a central element was the devotion of the knight to God, the word of God, and the church. Obviously all knights were not Godly men, but the ethical system of knighthood, the chivalric code, was based upon Biblical ethics. Historically speaking there was not a written code that all knights swore to, rather it was an ethos that developed over time. It varied from one culture to another. The endearing ideals of chivalry that we remember today are probably best summed up by Bernard of Clairveuax. He listed twelve components of chivalry:

Fidelity or Loyalty
Obedience to authority
Bravery or Fortitude

Each of these elements is derived from a proper understanding of Scripture. While one might try to develop the character traits in his strength in time he will fail. They can only be truly developed through the internal ministry of the Holy Spirit as a man lives in Christian community.

So, how do those Scriptures apply to this ethical code? First, we notice that the Scriptures are given by divine inspiration; literally 'God breathed'. This makes them unique among all writings. In them are contained all the wisdom revealed to man by Almighty God. They contain the wisdom which leads to salvation and so much more. If a man is to become a modern day knight he must accept this fact as his foundational commitment: The Holy Scriptures are the only divine revelation of Almighty God. They are the sole rule of faith and practice. In our lives we are bombarded by 'expert advice' of all sorts. Most of it is the dribblings of pagan minds. A great majority of the counsel that is given the modern church is compromised with worldly humanism at best. Some of it is outright heresy. If we are to recover genuine Godly manhood we must accept nothing but that which clearly taught and promoted in God's holy word.

Secondly, we see that Paul admonishes us to study the Scriptures. Not just to read them. Not just to be acquainted with them. No, we are to be diligent scholars of the word of God. The study of Scriptures is neglected by far too many men. In discussions with men I find that on average men spend less than five minutes per day reading the Bible. Almost none lead their family in Bible reading or family worship. How is a man to know the will of God if he does not read the revelation given to him?

So, men, pick up your Bible read it. Read it some more. Wear out the bindings. (I've made a deal with my congregation. If they will wear out their Bible's binding from study I will personally pay to have it rebound. I'm may have some men take me up on it in the next few months.) Study. Meditate upon the word. Become a man who doesn't have to turn to the 'experts' to find out where God said 'X'.

Over the next few posts we will look at each of the element of Chivalry, how the Bible addresses them, and how to implement them in our lives.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My Proverbs 31 Wife

On 08January 1988 I married the most remarkable woman I've ever known. We were both so young and desperately loved one another. Today, we are older and love one another even more. Molly is the joy of my life. She loves me, encourages me, challenges me. pushes me, slows me down - she truly is a helper suitable for me.

As we have grown together I've seen her develop into one of the most practical Christian women I know. She has been given a dose of wisdom that is sorely needed in today's church.

A short while ago she started a blog. It is well worth marking whether you are a man or women. I've linked it in the left column or you can type it in. The address is

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Knighthood and Modern Chivalry II

I've been meaning to get back to this, but time has been a rare commodity. What I saw yesterday spurred me on. At times the most effective manner in which to define an idea or manner is to demonstrate what it is not.

While standing in amazement at the speed of the increasing digits on the diesel pump as I filled my truck I observed what may just be the essence of downgraded modern 'manhood'. I put that in quotation marks because I don't view what I saw as manhood in any shape.

A car pulled up and the man, sitting slouched behind the wheel, reached across and with a yell pushed the woman sitting there out of the door and in no uncertain terms, using language that is unprintable, ordered her to fill the gas tanks. She complied. As she was doing so a child in the back seat escaped the vehicle on the driver's side and began to run around. This tyke was probably about three years of age. 'Man' yelled that the woman needed to corral the blankity blank little blank. She complied. Meanwhile he nozzle over ran the tank. 'Man' yelled using similar erudite language skills for the woman to shut it off. (All the while he as a cheap cigarette hanging out of his mouth. God's mercy is hard to figure out.) She complied. He then told her to go in and pay for the gas. She asked for money. He told her to use her own. She complied. When she came back he began to smack her for taking so long. (All of two minutes or so.)

This vile man is the epitome of what is not manhood. The story doesn't end.

At this point I'd had enough. So had two other men. We approached the car and told the man to get out. He refused until one man said that the police had already been called. (Striking someone is battery.) Minutes later the police pulled up. The man was arrested on outstanding warrants. The police said that the woman was going to go to her mother's house in Birmingham.
As you read this you are probably have in your minds eye a rusted out car and two very shabbily dressed people with unkempt hair. 'White trash' as some would say. You'd be dead wrong. This car cost over $60,000. The people were dressed in very expensive clothing. If you had seen them walking down the street you would have probably been visually impressed. They, on the outside were poster children for modern 'success'.

That man is not a knight.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A Big Deal That is Not So Big.

Today for the first time since May I was able to run without my ankle swelling like a pumpkin. Now, that may not be a big deal for you, but it is to me. In May, by God's mercy, I was spared serious injury to my legs in a construction accident. Really, it is a miracle that my legs and ankles were not crushed. I had been running for four months and was beginning to get a good level of fitness built up. All that came to a sudden stop. I did have to use a splint and cane for a while, but all in all I was spared a great deal.

This morning I ran the first real run since that date; and, no significant swelling! Praise God. Watch out roads, here I come.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Lord's Day Morning

This morning came cool and dry. Quite a change and very refreshing. As the sun rose, the birds began their chirping calls, and the leaves begin to nod in the breeze I find myself in awe of our Creator God. His beauty must be so far above anything we can imagine. It is humbling to realise that he would show us any favour at all.

Oh, the wonderful Lord we serve!