When addressing this crazy unbiblical penchant for extreme outreach from the pulpit I have stated the following:
If it is all about drawing unsaved people here in order that they might be able to hear a message of hope I could pack this place out next week. It would be filled with unsaved men and women; those that need to hear the gospel. Here’s how I would do it.
I would take out ads that state that next Sunday we will be serving all the beer on tap that you can drink, all the food that you can eat, and every hour we will have special guests-strippers.
Yep, that will pack them in. But is it right?
I know that sounds silly, but push the reasoning to the nth degree and that is what happens.
In our city there is a congregation that is, in my opinion, far beyond the limits of acceptability regarding outreach programs. I’m no prude. But, I find the following appalling. On the marquee for the past several weeks has been a sign proclaiming the upcoming series to be ‘Pure Sex’. Along with this is the following url yourlamesexlife.net. Okay, a little racy. This week past a banner, and now bulletin boards are up:
The suggestive nature of the ads is inappropriate. Again, I’m no prude. I think that the church addresses human sexuality too little, on the whole. But, it must be done in a proper manner. And, we have no biblical warrant to use it as a method of evangelism. Yes, I know the logic behind it: Appeal to a felt need and then slip in the gospel. The only problem is that is not the biblical pattern of evangelism. It creates self-centered church goers who may or may not be actual Christians.
What do you think?
Do you really want to know what I think?
Part of me thinks -- do what it takes to get 'em in the door. Give them a chance to hear the truth.
A much larger part of me thinks we're beginning to use sex to sell Jesus. Should we even have to "sell Jesus." Aren't we just supposed to live like him and let that be the attraction?
Aye, there's the rub. Most of us are not living like him. (Myself included, by the way.)
Just one more reason to thank God for grace and mercy every day. And to pray that he will take all of our misdirected, feeble attempts at serving him and use them for his own purposes rather than ours.
Hi! A dear friend sent me the link to your blog...this is a GREAT post!! In our area, (IL) we have a Church that actually advertises quarterly meetings in bars, to "have a beer with the Pastor and ask your questions about faith". I realize Jesus met with sinners in a variety of places, but He called them to forsake their sin and didn't condone it, as this Church appears to do. Thanks for the great post.
Thanks for the comment.
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