Monday, September 04, 2006

A Big Deal That is Not So Big.

Today for the first time since May I was able to run without my ankle swelling like a pumpkin. Now, that may not be a big deal for you, but it is to me. In May, by God's mercy, I was spared serious injury to my legs in a construction accident. Really, it is a miracle that my legs and ankles were not crushed. I had been running for four months and was beginning to get a good level of fitness built up. All that came to a sudden stop. I did have to use a splint and cane for a while, but all in all I was spared a great deal.

This morning I ran the first real run since that date; and, no significant swelling! Praise God. Watch out roads, here I come.


Lawrence Underwood said...

I sure hope my burdens are not lifted up the the 'Almighty Mr. Underwood'.;) My dad is pretty good, but almighty?

Seriously. Thanks, Ryan.

Sheila said...

Well, I call that a big deal. I miss being able to run a lot due to a multiple-times hyperextended knee. Enjoy!