Monday, October 16, 2006

A Blustry Day

Today we awoke to a gusty Southerly wind that bore upon it the Gulf's humidity. Off and on all day it has rained. At times the rain is a driven drizzle. At others it is a torrential downpour. Interspersed among those periods are moments of relative calm. I love this type of fall weather. It portends the coming cooler days and evenings that make living in this climate so enjoyable. As I sat on a porch and reflected upon the weather today I was reminded of how today's weather parallels much of life; at least mine. It seems as if my life consists of one period of 'blowing rain' after another. At times it is gentle, then comes a gale. I'm continually reminded of the apostle Paul's words to Timothy, ' All who desire to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.' I will be the first to say that I've never faced real persecution. I've just been inconvenienced occasionally. Having said that, I do believe that disciples of Jesus Christ will have 'stormy' lives. How could it be otherwise?

We live world bent upon manifesting the depravity of our natural birth. We should come into regular and head on conflict with the ethos of the world. This should cause turbulence in our lives. We don't have to look for it; it will come.

But, we are not merely living 'today'. We are living for an eternal reward with our Saviour. The 'cooler weather' that is coming.

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