Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In With the Old

Recently I received a 'new' Bible. It is a new binding and typeset. But, it is a very old translation. The 1599 Geneva Bible. Tolle Lege press has published an edition of the Scriptures that is very well done. The Geneva Bible was the backbone translation of the English speaking world from its first printing in 1560 until well into the 17th century. What the folks have done at Tolle Lege is remarkable. Until now if you desired to read or use this translation you had to read a facsimile of an original. It takes some adjusting to use one. The spelling, punctuation, and type set have been updated. It contains all the text, less the Apocrypha, and the original notes. It is quite a work.

What amazes me is the ease with which it is read. Even for a modern English speaker the syntax is not difficult. It is much easier to read than the venerable Authorised Version (KJV). Theology aside it is easy to see why the Geneva remained the favoured translation for a long time after the publication of the KJV.

Perhaps with this new publication the older will replace the younger. It really is a beautiful translation. So, go out and buy a 'breeches Bible' for yourself. You won't regret it.

(I do not receive compensation in any form from Tolle Lege.)

1 comment:

Sheila said...

What a lovely gift to receive.

Thanks for sharing about it.